Teeth Whitening Epping, Wollert, South Morang, Melbourne
White teeth are the easiest way to cosmetically improve your smile, and getting whiter teeth has never been easier. Our team at Dental Design Co wants to help you achieve your dream smile with effective teeth whitening options for all of our patients.
Are Your Teeth Discoloured?
There are numerous reasons why teeth become discoloured. Over time, teeth can become yellowish, or just dingy as age takes its toll. Trauma and medications can interfere with oral health, and sometimes foods can stain. The reason for teeth becoming discoloured will determine if teeth whitening solutions can help. The following are some reasons why teeth become stained or discoloured:
- Aging, which thins tooth dentin
- Coffee
- Plaque and tartar buildup
- Smoking
- Red wine
- Medications
- Tea
- Trauma
Depending on the reason why teeth become discoloured, the problem might take place from inside of the tooth or on the surface of the tooth. Stains inside the teeth are called intrinsic stains, while those on the surface are called extrinsic stains.
- Intrinsic teeth discolouration takes place from inside a tooth. This may be due to an old filling that has never been replaced, which can leave the tooth looking grey or almost black. Medications such as an antibiotic called tetracycline can bond to the calcium in teeth and cause discolouration, and sometimes genetics can cause teeth to be naturally more yellow instead of white. Some intrinsic discolouration may not respond to traditional teeth whitening solutions, but other options like dental veneers might help. A dental checkup will determine which solution is best for you.
- Extrinsic discolourations are due to stains that form on the external, or outside of teeth. Beverages such as tea, coffee, wine or grape juice are the biggest culprits, while some foods like curry dishes can also stain. Smoking is another practice that can stain an entire set of teeth, resulting in yellowed colour and dingy look. This type of discolouration responds well to teeth whitening, sometimes in as little as one visit, or with a professional home whitening kit.

Professional Teeth Whitening
Because not all tooth stains respond to all teeth whitening solutions, a simple dental checkup can help determine which treatment is right for you. Over the counter products are popular, but unfortunately not the safest or most effective methods of treatment. If your teeth are discoloured due to thin dentin or problems due to trauma, over-the-counter methods might even worsen the problem.
Professional teeth whitening can save you time and money and intervene if you have oral health issues. An experienced dentist can help determine the best treatment for your situation and make sure you get the results you want. The following are professional teeth whitening solutions and how they work.
- Internal tooth whitening is typically used when a single tooth is discoloured due to trauma or discolouration from an old amalgam or mercury filling. Once the trauma is dealt with and the tooth is properly cleaned to ensure no further damage takes place, a bleaching gel is used inside the tooth and then a temporary filling is used to protect it. The tooth will become whiter in about 1-2 weeks.
- In-Office Whitening takes place in the dental office and is a safe solution to quickly whiten teeth. During an office visit, a whitening gel is applied to the teeth, and then a blue light is used to activate the gel while you relax. The process takes about 90 minutes during which your eyes, lips and gums are protected. This option is preferred by many patients because it is a quick and safe solution with long-lasting results.
Professional Home Whitening kits are a slower and gentler approach to teeth whitening. The process is more cost-effective than in-office whitening, and is done in the privacy of your own home. After a dental exam, you will be given a dental tray and whitening solution that is created for your teeth. When at home, you will simply put the gel into the tray and wear it over your teeth for the designated time as instructed by your dentist. The process may take up to two weeks and is highly customised so you get the shade of white you are looking for.
For the best results, prepare your teeth for your whitening appointment by doing the following:
- Be consistent with brushing at least twice a day with a desensitizing toothpaste, for at least one week before you begin the teeth whitening process
- Floss regularly according to your dentist’s instructions for at least one week before
- Focus on gently brushing the gumline where it meets the teeth
- Talk to your dentist about choosing the best shade of white before you begin treatment
Caring for Your Newly White Smile
After you get your teeth whitened, your dentist or hygienist will provide a customised home treatment plan to help your smile stay bright. Some things that you can plan on include:
- Do not smoke, especially for the first two weeks
- Avoid drinks that stain like coffee, tea and red wine
- Brush at least twice each day with the recommended toothpaste provided by your dentist
- Talk to your dentist about a take-home whitening kit for maintaining the colour – these can be used every 6-12 months and help keep your teeth their whitest
- Avoid foods that stain, such as curries